These past days have been difficult while I've been ailing with this wretched sinus infection, but enough about that. Let's talk instead about this charming 15-month-old lass of mine full of expression and personality emerging more every day. She's a cutie alright, with a look and style all her own.
She has a charming way of smiling that's partly coy, partly shy. She kinda tucks her chin down and peers up at the recipient of her smile as she's smiling. Spontaneous games of peek-a-boo and "where's your tummy/nose/knee?" quickly produce these sweet smiles. Quite the girly girl, she likes her bows (and says "bow" to indicate such) and purses (actually, she likes mine the most), but she's equally at home playing with trucks, Lincoln Logs, and Legos.
Already knowing full well what she wants to tell us, she says distinctly "bubba," "cookie," "gogur" (for yogurt -- she prefers drinking from her brother's insulated Foogo straw cup), "biper" (for diaper), "dada", and "mommy". Especially when it comes to food, she has little patience -- and a vast appetite. When her plate runneth empty, she signs "more". Requests escalate into demands if not met quickly.
At mealtime, she holds her hands together for grace, then claps and smiles at its conclusion.
Every time we visit the park, she wants to swing. "Sing!" she declares. She's been saying her auntie's name and those of her grandparents whenever the phone rings, as though she wonders if it's one of them calling us. When her daddy gets home at the end of the day or she sees someone else she loves, she often gives a happy "hiiiiiiii!" And she is particularly attached to her Corolle baby doll -- though she has a few others and dotes on them as well; her face lights up when she sees "Baby". It (she?) is her constant companion.
Speaking of cookies, I only recently let her have some of the chocolate chips in the cookies we make with chickpeas and oatmeal. Up until then, I would just break off pieces around the chips and give the cookie part to her. At her first taste with chocolate, a look crossed her face, the meaning behind it unmistakable: "you've been holding out on me."
More than a few times now I've found the lass up on the sofa or a chair by her own accomplishment. She's a determined girl. And she's got those brothers working for her...
chocolate granola
11 years ago