Thursday, June 17, 2010

five (going on 25)

Our elder lad is five years old today.

our family birthday banner: hung for each person's special day
I've been thinking of him as five for a while, but it's now official now.  He seems five.  He's capable of doing so many things for himself and for his family, and he's taking on so many new abilities, interests, and characteristics.  He remains an intense, thoughtful, intelligent, stoic, analytical, fairly reserved lad, but he's growing in generosity and consideration of others as well as independence and self-sufficiency.

Yesterday he was counting by and adding tens and fives as he and his grandmother had an impromptu and informal session of school.  He spelled his brother's name.  He's taken charge of the unloading of groceries when he goes with me, he (usually) listens attentively to the readings at Mass and participates in the songs and prayers as he is able, and I suspect he can read far more than he lets on.

Our little boy is growing up.

That is what he's supposed to do.  My mission is raising him to become the man God calls him to be.  One day he may set out on the open road in the Mack truck he insists he will one day drive, so until then I will cherish every spontaneous hug and beaming smile he bestows upon me.

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