Friday, February 18, 2011

minor victories :: mobile edition

The two passengers in the Way Back of the Honeywagon (they of the lad variety) have mastered two skills about which Mama can scarcely contain her excitement:  the elder lad can now buckle himself in (as well as the reverse), and the younger lad can *unbuckle* himself (and vice versa).

O happy day!

Those who've seen me leaning over the lassies in the middle row to buckle in the lads or climbing into the back row myself to get the job done (as well as those who've taken this endeavor upon themselves, among them my beloved and the bambini's grandparents) will easily understand my glee at these accomplishments.

1 comment:

  1. It is a day of joy and celebration when those little hands have the strength and guidance to buckle/unbuckle the carseat. I think each time it's happened with our boys - I've done a happy dance right then and there.


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