Tuesday, September 21, 2010

buddies at the book fair

The book fair has come to the elder lad's school.  Lord, give me strength.  I am weak in book fair situations.  I always have been, from the time I was a school girl myself.

This afternoon we unloaded after school (a rarity, for obvious reasons) and went to check out the book fair.  Once we made it inside the door (which took some doing considering the close quarters and the wide swath we cut with one lass in the stroller, the other in my sling, and two lads on foot), negotiations began on what book(s) we might take home with us.  We settled on John, Paul, George, and Ben (which we've read before and still quote to each other randomly), among a few others including an engrossing read on trucks of all sorts, two Skippyjon Jones books, and one on dinosaurs.  It's for a good cause, right? 

Fun as the book fair was on its own, more memorable to me were the introductions we had with a few of the elder lad's classmates and teachers.  Each time he'd say, "want to meet my brother and my sisters?"   They all very graciously agreed.

He's the biggest of the small ones (that's a reference to some colorful characters in Skippyjon Jones), and he's so proud. 
As we are of him.

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