Wednesday, October 14, 2009

grandparents' day

Today is my grandmother's birthday.  I wish I could've celebrated it with her in person. 

We spent part of the day with my husband's parents, who live nearby and are taking some vacation for fall break.  Watching the interaction between our bambini and both sets of their grandparents illuminates entirely different sides of them (adults and children, that is) and, in the case of my own parents, conjures up memories of my own childhood and the tender care they took of me. 

In my own life I have been richly blessed by the relationships I have and have had with my grandparents.  My birthday Grannie is the only one of them still living, but my grandparents-in-law live nearby and are as dear to me as my own.

Thinking about the examples of faith and lives well-lived our grandparents (mine, my husband's, and our bambini's) give us, I am keenly aware of what an incredible blessing it is to know them and have time to spend with them.  Words cannot contain my gratitude.

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