Tuesday, April 06, 2010

the end of an era

Making homemade pizza tonight, I query the bambini as to their topping preferences.

Elder lad: cheese (of which he ate none once it was baked -- he put the olive oil, spices, and toppings on but wouldn't eat the finished product)

Younger lad: "pepperoni." 

"What?"  I had to ask.  I was expecting to hear "penny-no-nee", but instead he said "pepperoni."

*sniff* the end of an era...


  1. Bonnie, Angela sent me your way, and I'm so glad she did! I see you have a love of good food and sweet children :) I'll be back again soon. Have a blessed Easter season!

    Pax Christi,

  2. Hi Maurisa -- thanks for visiting! Angela is a very dear person. Happy Easter to you!


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