Sunday, September 05, 2010


Our littler lass was baptized this morning along with a boy about three years old.  The families gathered to watch and pray as these children were brought before the Lord by parents and Godparents committed to raising their children to know, love, and serve God.   We were strangers to each other, but we now share a common bond in faith, having celebrated this sacrament of baptism together today.

As the energetic toddler squirmed and squealed through parts of the Rite of Baptism, I tried to stay focused on the prayers.  Many a liturgy have I dealt with bambini in similar humors.  Not wanting to embarrass the mother any more than she might have already been, I didn't look in their direction.  At one point, though, as we shuffled around for the various aspects of the baptism, our eyes did meet.

I smiled at her and looked away just as she started to smile back.  I wish I hadn't looked away so quickly.  I realized too late that her expression had changed from one that might be described as nervous, irritated, or edgy to one of relief and even friendliness.  As soon as the Rite was concluded, I took the lass to a quiet spot to nurse and did not have a chance to introduce myself to or converse with the mother. 

I hope in that blink of the eye, that mother came to realize that I was her peer in this endeavor of raising children according to God's will, no matter us not having met before, and that I wished her peace and fortitude.

For her son and our lass, I pray these words from the Rite of Baptism:

"The Lord Jesus made the deaf hear and the dumb speak. May he soon touch your ears to receive his word, 
and your mouth to proclaim his faith, to the praise and glory of God the Father."


1 comment:

  1. Bonnie your words always "lift me up" and I am filled with peace reading your posts.... you radiate such grace, thank you for sharing


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